Despite being widely prohibited, marijuana has grown in popularity due to its therapeutic benefits. Medical marijuana experts provide treatment to their patients within the constraints of the law. They must also be up-to-date on current developments. This article outlines the standards required for one to become a marijuana specialist. What are the Measures? The criteria…
Medical marijuana is quickly becoming a great alternative to standard medications. It’s great for managing certain types of pain, certain mental disorders, and a long list of other conditions. However, it can be difficult to get a medical marijuana card if you don’t know where to look. Continue reading to learn how to discover the…
Marijuana is in a plant classification system and can be broken into several levels of purity. Therefore, the higher the potency, the more concentrated the flower. The higher the amount of cannabis, the greater relief you get for medicinal uses. The following are the qualifications you need to get a medicinal marijuana card. Must be…
Medical marijuana and low-THC cannabis are now legal for residents with specific medical conditions. If you are one of the many residents of Miami-Dade, FL and beyond who could benefit from using medical marijuana, you may be wondering if you qualify for a medical marijuana card. Here is a list of the top ten qualifying…
Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the most active component of marijuana and is responsible for most of its psychoactive effects. Cannabidiol (CBD) and THC are both present in cannabis, but they work somewhat differently. Cannabidiol has been shown to have a wide range of medicinal benefits by interacting with the bodies’ endocannabinoid system. In this system, the…
Since 2014, Floridians suffering from a long list of chronic and terminal conditions have had the right to access medicine derived from marijuana. Cannabis-based medicine is said to treat a range of conditions from chronic pain to insomnia. But the option to use medical MJ is so new, many people who could potentially benefit are...
With the rise in the consumption of marijuana, the reputation of traditional medicines and prescription drugs seems to deteriorate. Using marijuana for recreation has always been extremely common, but now many people have been using it for its therapeutic properties to treat different medical conditions. Let’s discuss what medical marijuana is and why it has…
The legal landscape in Florida is rapidly evolving. Therefore, it is better to keep track of the marijuana laws in Florida. This knowledge will help you understand when, where, and how to acquire, possess, carry, and use marijuana. The article below gives a detailed recap of Florida's current laws about the medicinal use of marijuana....
Medical Marijuana is a term used to describe the derivatives of the plant Cannabis sativa used to treat symptoms caused by certain diseases. Marijuana has been an illegal drug in the United States for many years. Recently, studies have shown medical cannabis is effective in treating certain conditions. This article will discuss different diseases that…
You may have heard of Cannabidiol (CBD) extract as something in lotions, oils, and little dropper bottles. But what is CBD extract? Is it the same as marijuana? Does it get you high? And what are its benefits and side effects? Let’s look at everything you need to know about CBD and how you can…